
The affectionate and ever-cherished South African brand has developed an infectious company culture. This is mostly a result of investing wholeheartedly in its people.
The culture has been nurtured and even reciprocated by the international market.
How do we introduce the unpretentious beginnings of a Johannesburg-inspired brand to Nandocas that aren’t from here?
Using negatively stereotyped notions of Johannesburg, we curated a perspective-challenging experience. We emphasised the richness and complexity of the city that groomed Nando’s.
Surprise and delight were added to the mix when we loaded first-time visitors to Johannesburg onto superbikes. The adrenaline took the guests through the belly of Ponte where we had an opportunity to tell its story. One that represents cyclicality, migration, hustle and acceptance. Strong themes at Nando’s.
Driving home culture or a theme through experience enables us to think differently, find beauty in negative spaces and build loyalty through experiential appreciation.